A Visit to Michael Seeney’s Collection

Oscar Wilde member Michael Seeney has a very extensive collection of material relating to Oscar Wilde and his contemporaries. Michael has very kindly offered to welcome members of the Society to his home in South-East London to see his many treasures at 1400 on Saturday 2 April 2022.

If you would like to come, please let us know by emailing events organiser Matthew MacLachlan on:


In view of the limit on numbers, preference will be given to those who have not had a chance to see the collection before, and only members will be able to attend.

Should demand be high enough, it might be possible to arrange for a second viewing during the afternoon.

There will be a charge of £5, payable by PayPal to membership@oscarwildesociety.co.uk  in the usual way, but please wait until Matthew confirms your place before paying, at which point details of the address and how to get there will be sent out.